La Traviata, DVD

Le DVD de La Traviata est disponible! La représentation du 5 février 2011 a été filmée par Guillaume Rousselet. Pour en commander un exemplaire, contactez-moi

La Traviata is now available on DVD! The February 5th performance was filmed by Guillaume Rousselet. To order a copy, contact me.

2 réponses à “La Traviata, DVD”

  • he alice, of course I would love to get a dvd of traviata. Jennie is 2 weeks in france starting next week so you can send it there and she can take it with her. please send me your banknumber/rib and the cost.

    fam Westendorp
    la Garoche
    26160 la begude de mazenc

    best wishes

  • Hello,
    my friend Marcel H. likes to buy a dvd. I have send him the link and pay information.
    I like to order another one as a present for my mother. Please send it to her directly. I would be very grateful if you can put a signed foto or a little card with it (she loves to show it to her friends). What are the costs for sending to holland?
    Love the parts on you tube!

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